Hotel Lincoln Restoration

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Hotel Lincoln opened in 1902 and was built by local ranchers and farmers in the heart of Lincoln County, one of the largest wheat producing counties in the nation. This beautiful hotel was inspired as the cornerstone to development in Harrington, WA. It housed working people as well as travelers and visiting dignitaries. This hotel was innovative in that it had a pressurized water system and was provisioned with electricity before electricity was available in the city. Each room was heated with a coal stove, and in 1912 the proprietor updated the hotel with steam heat, a welcome change.

Today, the hotel is being restored by Karen and Jerry Allen, along with help from community members and family and friends who are interested in the project. The restoration started in 2009 and with the downfall of the economy, the funding possibilities evaporated in one of the worst recessions since the Great Depression. The work continues at a much slower pace, but it continues.

This building is worth saving and will help restart the economy of the area. In October of 2015, Hotel Lincoln along with the Institute for Washington’s Future, started a window fundraiser for the Hotel.